"Bliss is my birthright! Gratitude is my attitude! I am forever grateful for the blessings of love, abundance, and spiritual connection in my life. And so it is."
Tarot Card Reading:
I can feel love in the air!
And this isn’t just any regular kind of love, this is a divine connection to The Universe, an opening of the heart chakra like never before, and intuitive gifts peaking!
When the Ace of Cups card shows up in a reading, it means that you’re literally going to be overflowing with blessings, especially when it comes to the heart.
You are being reminded of the strongest force on this planet: love.
You’ve heard it before -- love can make you move mountains!
Now more than ever, you’re being activated in such a way that you’ll actually know what that relentless, beautiful force of energy feels like.
Now this card doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be having a new love come into your life (although that could be true, too!).
The Ace of Cups card definitely tells the tale of a new level of connection.
This means that if you’re already in a relationship, you and your lover may reach new levels in your relationship, Rashan.
Or, if you’ve been working hard to cultivate a creative project, you might have new ideas flowing to you that you know just fit.
This card also indicates that you may have a deeper spiritual connection brewing between you and The Universe, igniting your intuition and opening your physical body up to psychic abilities.
Just as the Ace of Cups cup is overflowing in the traditional depiction of the card, your blessings are about to be overflowing, too!
Right now is the time to give thanks to your spiritual network -- your angels, ancestors, and spirit guides that are working behind the scenes to help you be successful and experience bliss in this human experience.
If only you knew what was on it’s way to you right now...
You would definitely say thank you to the Universe!
The best way to ensure that those miraculous gifts continue to come into your life is to remain in a state of gratitude.
Don’t let up on your meditations, gratitude journals, or positive affirmations.
ALL of these spiritual tools are going to strengthen your connection to the divine and the power of the Ace of Cups!
To your cup overflowing.
***My Personal Reading comes from Aurora Starr-Your Soul Guide
Below are cover, planner, journal sheets and storage pouches.